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Alpha Martial Arts Web Special

There is a reason why Oprah, Dr Phil, Dr Laura Schlesinger, Jillian Michaels (Biggest Loser), Tony Robbins, pediatricians, child physiologists, and educators all agree that Martial Arts is one of the most valuable things you can involve your child in. Read more...


“My son, has only been attending classes for the last 3 weeks. My husband and I have noticed a big change in his attitude and behavior -- he's much more positive and willing to cooperate. He's very aware of "black belt courtesy" and talks about self-discipline. We have to attribute the change to you and your staff at Alpha Martial Arts. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” -Erin B.-


By Dave Kovar, Sacramento, CA


It goes way beyond self defense and can help a child in nearly every aspect of their life. Improved health and fitness, athletic enhancement, increased confidence, better concentration,  better behavior, more courteous and respectful; martial arts can help do all these things.


Sound too good to be true? It’s not.  As a matter of fact, many experts agree that in this day and age of escalating childhood obesity, increased playground violence and deteriorating family structure, if you do nothing else for your child, you should make sure that they learn how to swim and they learn martial arts. Let’s discuss why.


“I just wanted to let you know that for the first time, [our son] came home with straight A's! He's always been smart enough to get them, just not dedicated enough. [My husband] and I both feel that your leadership program and his Storm Team service hours have truly contributed to his development and desire to do the best that he can do. We are so grateful that you have your studio and are committed to helping young people! You offer something very special and important for kids. Thank you very much for all you do. It really does make a difference!!” –Teresa P.-


Self Defense=“Practice the fight so that you don’t have to” is a phrase that is often used to describe the self defense benefits of martial arts training.  It refers to the fact that as a child becomes more confident in their ability to defend themselves thru martial arts training. The need to defend themselves automatically decreases because they unconsciously begin to carry themselves in a more confident manner and that confidence is projected to those around them, making them less vulnerable to predatory behavior. On top of that, martial arts’ training includes strategic self defense as well as actual self defense. Children are taught how to recognize a potentially dangerous situation and how to avoid confrontations.


 “I think [my son] is really getting a lot from your program!! More than just Karate moves, it really makes him more confident in life in general, so THANK YOU!” –Einat A.-


Athletic Enhancement=There is a reason why virtually every professional sports team in virtually every major sport, supplements their training with martial arts. Martial arts training offer several advantages. First off, it is amazingly effective in enhancing general coordination because it uses every part of the body in a balanced way. Upper body, lower body, right side, left side, forward movement, lateral movement, rotational movement, it’s all included in martial arts training.


“The moment I decided that Alpha Martial Arts was the place for us, no matter the expense or time involved, was pretty early on. My children have been in many activities over the years, and your program is the only one where they get any reinforcement of respectful behavior. My children think very highly of you, as do my husband and I. Thanks and thanks again.” -Stephanie M.-


Fitness=The three pieces of the fitness puzzle are strength, flexibility and endurance. Martial arts training demand a balance between the three. Therefore, a child who trains in martial arts will find their deficiencies greatly enhanced. Also, because of the balance in the three pieces of the fitness puzzle, they are less likely to injure themselves while participating in other athletic endeavors.


Health=Martial arts training is a proven link to better health for people of all ages, but especially children, for several reasons. First off, it is great exercise, but because it is fun, kids don’t mind doing it.  Discussing diet and lifestyle habits with students is a part of martial arts training so children who grow up training develop healthy habits that will stick with them for life.


“You have a great gift as a teacher. You can break down a move so that anyone can do the same move or technique given time and plenty of practice. I like how you conduct the class so that we all encourage one another in class whether it is to show one another a self defense technique or a new form. Everyone feels they are there to learn and have fun but not out to hurt or "know it all" attitude. I like the teachers you have selected to teach your classes. They reflect the same attitude and style as you. Every time I go to class it is like going to an exclusive club to hang out with my friends. And I have made lots of friends in your school. Thanks again.” –Richard A.-


Concentration= Very few activities engage the mind, body and spirit more than martial arts. Because of this, a child’s ability to concentrate is greatly enhanced by their martial arts training and this concentration tends to be easily transferable to other activities.


Respect and Courtesy=Due to the fact that martial arts teaches techniques that could be harmful to others if applied, martial arts instructors are obliged to stress the importance of respect, courtesy, and restraint. It has been proven time and again that children who are skilled in martial arts tend to be extremely respectful, considerate and composed.


You are truly making a difference in the lives of many kids and in the homes of many families. You are a great inspiration to both me and my husband and I have learned a lot about how to deal with not only my kids but other kids as well by watching you work. Every week when I show up with my "entourage" of kids you always make them feel welcome and I walk out of there blessed by my time. Thanks for investing so much time and energy into these kids.” -Vicki J.-


Confidence=Martial arts virtually always lends to increased confidence in children for a couple of specific reasons. First off, there are no bench sitters, every child participates, and is judged not against others but more importantly, against their own potential. Secondly, the structure of martial arts is built on the concept of setting children up for success by giving them a series of realistic, short term goals that they can attain quickly while keeping them focused on an exciting, long term goal. Each time they experience success, their confidence improves until they tend to believe that with hard work and dedication, they can accomplish just about anything.


“I wanted to say Thank You for making a point of [my son’s] practicing after class yesterday. You made him feel very special and the positive reinforcement is a very strong message to him that his hard work is translating into success. He couldn't wait to go home and tell his dad that he got a "you rock" from some black belts! He really holds you in high regard and you hold a special place in his heart and mind when he is trying to do his best: in karate, at home and in school. You have a very unique and amazing talent with those kids and we are thankful to be a part of that. Thanks for going out of your way to make him feel big yesterday!!” -Much love and respect, Shari K.-

Alpha Martial Arts: Seattle's Best FAMILY KARATE PROGRAMS!


“Martial arts offer something for all ages. They help preschoolers develop social skills and improve their attention spans; they give grade-schoolers and teenagers a confidence boost while teaching self-control; and they leave parents with greater stamina, improved endurance, and a trimmer, toned body.” -Prevention Magazine-


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